Test Sounds in TTS output

Continuing the discussion from Strange sound in voice conversation:
Follow-up Details:

After reflecting on the experience, I wanted to provide some additional context that might help with diagnosing the issue:
1. Prompt Length and Complexity: The issue occurred while listening to a very long and complex prompt, which was large enough to require the “Continue Generating” button due to the output length. This extended prompt may have put additional strain on the system, potentially contributing to what seems like a memory overload or processing error.
2. Distinct Sounds and Sequence: The sounds I heard followed a specific and unusual sequence:
• Moan: This sounded like a gradual breakdown in the phoneme processing system, with elongated vowel sounds creating an unintended “sensual” moan effect.
• Whip Crack and Dog Bark: These sounds were distinct and clear, almost like standalone sound effects. The clarity suggests they may have originated from an internal audio source rather than from phoneme misinterpretation.
3. System Behavior After Sounds: After the unusual sounds, the TTS system paused briefly, resumed at the correct spot as if nothing had happened, and then, after a short time, began reading the prompt from the start without any input from me. The timer continued without resetting, which suggests a partial system reset or recovery attempt.

Possible Hypothesis: Given the clarity of the whip crack and dog bark, it’s possible that a memory overflow or buffer issue inadvertently accessed internal test sounds or fallback audio used for diagnostics. Meanwhile, the moan may have been a result of the TTS engine’s phoneme handling breaking down under strain. I hope these additional details assist with identifying the root cause.

Having just had a similar experience I have googled this thread.
Using the browser in Chrome - the English female voice was reading a 6 point guide to the FODMAP diet.

Not the most interesting subject for her and by about point 4 she seemed to ‘sigh’ while reading the beginning of another line of text.

Then she ‘umm’d’ in a very human way between lines which again made me laugh… but during the last verse there was a strange noise in the background - almost as if she was being a ventriloquist doing an impression of someone with Tourette’s - a quite abrupt ‘mwarrrp’ noise while she continued reading.

It really made me look up a little alarmed.

Anyway - amusing, scary, weird - not quite sure: is this the beginning of Ai taking on its own characteristics…