Support of unicode in gpt4-1106-preview


we’re experimenting with gpt4-1106-preview using function call. and discovered the following:

if the user input is non ascii, the output will often be multi-level escaped unicode characters, which is a headache dealing with global audience…


using prompt:


I have exactly the same problem.

I think it’s a similar problem below replied by @atty-openai


It works right once I translated all Korean characters into English alphabets and remove all line-feed characters.

Please report this @atty-openai, Thanks!


I am experiencing similar issues with output that has Korean/English mixed output.
In the output below, ' g c g e e c h e w a s n e w .' is supposed to be Korean writing.

The student translated ' g c g e e c h e w a s n e w .' as
'They shared their experience.' 

Originally, my prompt surrounded user input in <<brackets like this>> and it caused significantly worse output.

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The problem is fixed in the latest update.

I also encounter the similar issue currently, like this output always \\td0a5 infinitely.

Usually input language is korean.

This issue is with the gpt-4-1106-preview model and has been fixed in models after gpt-4-0125-preview.

Please refer to this for more information.