I would like to suggest the following features to improve the user experience with ChatGPT. These suggestions have been discussed and summarized in collaboration with the AI itself, aiming to address areas where improvements could significantly enhance the user experience:
Reply to Specific Paragraphs: Similar to the reply function in Discord and WhatsApp, allowing users to select and respond to specific parts of the conversation. This would help users address specific content more clearly, improving the precision and efficiency of communication in longer conversations.
Spelling and Meaning Clarification: When ChatGPT identifies potential misspellings or unclear phrases, it could prompt the user for confirmation before making any corrections. This would help maintain the accuracy of the conversation and respect the user’s intent.
Context Awareness and Reminders: In more complex or multi-turn conversations, ChatGPT could provide better context reminders, ensuring that users are aware of which information is retained and preventing misunderstandings or omissions. This would help maintain the flow and coherence of the conversation.
Enhanced Feedback Mechanism: For non-technical inquiries or user improvement suggestions, offering more guided and structured feedback options would help users more efficiently express their needs and suggestions.
These features would significantly enhance the flexibility and interactivity of the conversation, as well as increase user engagement and satisfaction. I believe implementing these changes would have a meaningful impact on improving the overall user experience.