Stream interrupted with Fine-tuning

I keep getting :

Stream interrupted (client disconnected). 
To resume the stream run:
   openai api -i ft-......

I can’t even leave the stream running for just one minute, I keep getting this again and again. Can somebody help? The jsonl file is only 7 mb.

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Same problem with me. It keeps getting interrupted after a minute or so.

You can run openai api fine_tunes.follow -i <YOUR_FINE_TUNE_JOB_ID> to check on the status of the fine-tune, please see this document OpenAI Platform

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I’ve also been getting this error lately, when my fine tunes used to work before. Running api fine_tunes.follow -i <YOUR_FINE_TUNE_JOB_ID> Gives me the same client disconnected error. IS. there anything else I can try?

Getting the same error. It’s been an hour since I submitted a training job for a davinci model and still getting the same error. It also happens when trying to train other models

Welcome to the forum, if you run this command and it’s still operational, all is well.

Hi @Foxalabs! Thanks for your response. As mentioned in my comment, I’m getting the same error as everyone else on the thread when running openai api fine_tunes.follow -i id_of_fine_tune_job

Stream interrupted (client disconnected). 
To resume the stream run:
   openai api -i ft-......

My training data is significantly small (31.7 kbs), so I don’t understand what might be happening.

Loosing the connection is fine, so long as the job completes. All you are doing is looing connection, the job is not stopped, it can take many hours for your job to get queued to be processed.

You can always reconnect and check progress, it may disconnect again but it is just the connection to the que, not the processing itself that is disconnecting.