Stable language using API

I am writing a hybrid chatbot in German that first searches for the correct responses in JSON files. If it doesn’t find anything there, it calls text-davinci-002. In the process, it often switches to English. I have tried to do this via <<def get_gpt3_response(prompt):
model_engine = “text-davinci-002”
example_prompt = f “Always speak German.'\n\n{prompt}” (made some german variations, too). >> Unfortunately, this does not work. Do you have an idea how I can do this without letting the bot simply translate an English-language answer from text-davinci-002?

Try telling it to always speak German in German. It’s just an idea as I have no experience using DaVinci or ChatGPT in other languages. Also, I would recommend doing research to see if DaVinci can speak German.

Thank you for your answer, Grandell1234, I will try it this way.