Speeding up knowledge base searches in build a GPT?

Hello! I have been creating GPTs to assist me with my college courses, However I notice that my GPTs take pretty long to search in their knowledge base, and frequently result in errors. For my knowledge base I have been putting in pdf versions of our textbook, as well as the course syllabus. is there any way I can speed up this process or prevent errors?


It’s possible, if you’re uploading entire textbooks, you’re having a file size issue. There are thousands of people doing the same thing since the GPTs released and undoubtedly impacting resources.

However, in terms of document best practices, I’ve tested several different methods (txt, pdf, html, json) and they all work well and serve different functions depending on the purpose of your GPT. For example, it has so far proved easier for my GPTs to retrieve step-by-step or order of operations language in json.

What they all have in common is the data structure needs to be clear. If you are using direct scans from text books, and they have images or elements, it is likely to cause similar issues and needs to be parsed.