Seeking Guidance on Purchasing OpenAI Credits

I am a third-year Computer Science Engineering student, currently working on a project for my portfolio, which requires API calls from OpenAI. Unfortunately, I have not used my free credits, and they have now expired back in April 2023 as I signed up for API in January but never used them .

Given my academic and career goals, I am unsure about the best course of action. Should I purchase credits to access the OpenAI API, or is there an alternative solution available? As , I believe this experience would greatly benefit my internship and placement prospects.

any guidance is appriciated …

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How the heck should we answer that? “Tell me about my life, you have no clue about” - you would do better asking ChatGPT.

Also note that 10 USD in credits go a LONG time - if you stick to GPT 3.5 small which you can do for a LOT of stuff. And with a lot, I mean a lot.

So, given that the amount is tiny - my advice would e to pay for them. You also pay for textbooks, or? And rent. And food.

Hello and welcome to the community!

Yes, the free credits do expire. If you intend to use the OpenAI API, you’ll need to purchase new credits.

Alternatively, you can explore the possibility of applying for a grant if your interests align. Here are a few sample links:

There may also be additional offers from other donors, so it’s worth searching for more opportunities.

When buying credits, consider switching to a prepaid plan if you are currently on a pay-as-you-go plan. This switch will grant you immediate access to the GPT-4 API.

I hope this information is helpful!

In addition to @vb excellent links you may also find this of interest:

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