Currently because of the waitlist of searchGPT the use of the searchGPT as the main search engine causes issues with incognito.
Because you aren’t logged in with the incognito mode on it renders the search function useless. You aren’t even able to !g because it first takes you to the waitlist page.
This causes issues with the ability to use incognito easily.
That defeats the purpose of incognito and also requires extra work.
The solution should probably be to default to google search or to allow the !g command when searching not logged in.
To clarify, having default search as SearchGPT will not allow you to use any search in incognito mode. That is the bug.
I haven’t tried logging in but I assume the at would work.
Regardless the solution shouldn’t be having to nullify incognito mode just to use search. This might just be a whitelist issue as I assume there will be a non-authenticated search once it’s out of beta.