I regularly experience issues with the ChatGPT app on iOS where, after speaking a long reply in voice chat, I get a message saying it’s having trouble understanding. This happens in quiet environments while speaking directly into my phone, so the issue isn’t with audibility. I’ve worked around this by using ChatGPT’s dictation feature, but now I’m getting “didn’t quite catch that” messages there too.
I’m not complaining about system limitations, but I’d like to reduce the time spent on messages that aren’t transcribed properly. If connectivity issues are causing this, it would be helpful to receive a visual or auditory alert as soon as the issue is detected, so I don’t keep speaking. Alternatively, temporarily storing the recording for later transcription or transcribing it in chunks as we go could prevent the message from being entirely lost.
I’m sure there are other solutions, but the main goal is to avoid wasting large amounts of spoken information.