Rate Limit Error

Adding a payment method using a credit card Will not cunt towards the billing of your credit card? Is it safe to use a credit card in that scenario?

After losing myself in this long thread for half an hour, I decided to summarize it with a little help from ChatGPT. :sweat_smile:

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where does it let u add payment card?? can’t find it lol…

Summary created by AI.

Several users in the thread mentioned experiencing an openai.error.RateLimitError message when trying to use Codex. Common reasons suggested for these errors included exceeding quota limits, expired credits, and needing to update model names. @tom.doerr proposed updating Codex’s model names, which seemed to resolve the issue for @sps. @rhyzhang suggested adding credit card information to their account as a potential solution.

Some users suggested reaching out to OpenAI support for assistance or even waiting before trying again. @mejia shared the list of potential solutions, including adding payment methods, creating a new API key, waiting before retrying, setting usage limits, contacting OpenAI, and changing the API model. Creating new API keys, adding a payment method, and switching the model seemed to resolve the issue for various users like @ps.maynard02, @seal_7, and @mayurnawal007.

Despite applying these solutions, however, some users, such as @supernova, continued to encounter the same rate limit error. It is important to note that your personal account can be impacted by your usage of the codex models, as highlighted by @gobesit369, who noted using chatGPT.

See: Advice and answers from the OpenAI Team rate limit

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It worked fo me just changing key code to single inverted quotes while initializing OpenAi access token

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