Rag database. for price questions

Hey, everybody.

Can you tell me the best way to make a RAG database if these are price questions?


Activity Adults Children Students/Seniors
Full-day spa access €50.00 €30.00 €40.00
Morning yoga session (9am - 12pm) €25.00 €15.00 €20.00
Afternoon golf access (1pm - 5pm) €35.00 €20.00 €25.00
Evening boat ride (without dinner) €20.00 €12.00 €15.00
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This is a case where you are looking for exact matches in your data retrieval. I would therefore suggest you store the information in a relational database such as a SQL database and then use function calling to create a SQL query based on a user input through which you can then retrieve the relevant price and return it as information back to the user.

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How big is your pricing table?

There might not be a need to have an entire rag database if the necessary information can fit within the context window :laughing: