Project API Key Length - has it changed from 48 to 156?

I have been using Project API keys since they were introduced. They have consistently been 48 characters in length, plus the 'sk-proj-" prefix for a total length of 56. But the keys I just generated last week are 156 characters long, or 164 with the 'sk-proj-" prefix. That’s a loooooong key.

What’s up? I’ve seen no announcement.

  • Did OpenAI change the key length or did something weird happen
    when I generated my keys?
  • Will a 156/164 character key work?

The length of the Project API key I generated was approximately 130 characters including the prefix, which corresponds to around 1000 bits.

While this might seem a bit long for an API key, it’s not an unreasonable length if you consider it as a secret key.