Why is my OpenAI generated API key invalid?

I am encountering an issue with my OpenAI API key. The key I generated appears to be longer than usual, and when I try to use it in my application, I receive an error stating that the key is invalid.

  • Anahtarın Doğruluğu: API anahtarınızı oluşturduğunuz platformda (OpenAI) doğru şekilde kopyaladığınızdan emin olun. Bazen anahtarın başında veya sonunda ekstra boşluklar olabilir. Bu, anahtarın geçersiz olarak algılanmasına sebep olabilir.
  • Uzunluk Sorunu: Normalde OpenAI API anahtarları belirli bir uzunluktadır. Eğer anahtarınız olağan uzunluktan çok daha uzunsa, bu bir sorun olabilir. Kendi API anahtarınızı yeniden oluşturmayı deneyebilirsiniz. Yeni bir anahtar alıp, bunu kullanarak tekrar deneyin.
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Thank you for your prompt response and support. I followed your guidance, but I believe there may be a bug. Despite my efforts, I am still encountering an issue where the API key is being flagged as invalid, and the API string appears unusually long. Could you please assist further?

API keys are indeed of increased length now. Perhaps the algorithm security has been increased.

You can generate more API keys in the default project, and see if the length is similar.

Then, is “my application” something you’ve coded from the ground up? Or is it instead some software developed by others, that may not be ready for larger key size.

You can look at the API (application programming interface) reference on the right, and see how to use an endpoint like “models” to list all models, and then to use example Python code to make that call.

The API key should be placed in an environment variable OPENAI_API_KEY. This is automatically employed by OpenAI SDK clients. It is possible that an old one is still placed in the OS or in a file.