For anyone interested in using a Code Interpreter. I’ve ported the DangerMode IPython and Jupiter Notebook project to Replit.
You can grab it here
Replit Template
Dangermode is a powerful plugin for ChatGPT that allows users to interact with an IPython kernel and execute code in a Jupyter Notebook-like environment. With Dangermode, you can seamlessly run code, inspect variables, and visualize data, all within the context of a ChatGPT conversation.
Replit is an online IDE that provides a convenient platform for running code in various programming languages. By using the Dangermode Replit template, you can quickly set up and deploy the Dangermode plugin, making it accessible to ChatGPT and enhancing your interactive coding experience.
In this guide, we will walk you through the process of configuring and using the Dangermode plugin on Replit. Whether you’re a data scientist, developer, or enthusiast, Dangermode on Replit offers an exciting way to explore code and data through natural language interactions with ChatGPT.
Dangermode on Replit
This is a guide on how to use the Dangermode Replit template. Dangermode is a plugin for ChatGPT that allows you to interact with an IPython kernel and execute code in a Jupyter Notebook-like environment.
Getting Started
- Create a new Replit using the Dangermode template.
- Open the
file and update theget_ai_plugin_json
function to use the correct URL for your Replit. Replacehttps://your-replit-url
with the actual URL of your Replit:
@router.get("/.well-known/ai-plugin.json", include_in_schema=False)
async def get_ai_plugin_json():
return {
"api": {
"type": "openapi",
"url": "https://your-replit-url/openapi.json",
"is_user_authenticated": False,
- Open the
file and update theservers
parameter in theFastAPI
instance to use the correct URL for your Replit. Replacehttps://your-replit-url
with the actual URL of your Replit:
app = FastAPI(
servers=[{"url": "https://your-replit-url", "description": "Replit server"}]
Starting the Server
To start the Dangermode server, open the Replit shell and run the following command:
python3 -m dangermode.__main__
This will start the server on port 8000. You can access the OpenAPI documentation at https://your-replit-url/openapi.json
Using Dangermode with ChatGPT
To use Dangermode with ChatGPT, you need to configure the ChatGPT Plugin. Follow the instructions provided in the Dangermode GitHub repository to enable the plugin and start interacting with the IPython kernel.
If you encounter the error “address already in use,” it means that port 8000 is already being used by another process. You can either stop the process using port 8000 or modify the activate_dangermode
function in the
file to use a different port.
Additional Information
For more information about Dangermode and its features, please refer to the official Dangermode GitHub repository.
IPython (Interactive Python) is an interactive command-line shell for Python programming. It was developed to provide an enhanced environment for interactive computing and data exploration. IPython offers a number of features that make it a powerful tool for scientific computing, data analysis, and general programming tasks. Some of the key features of IPython include:
- Interactive Shell: IPython provides an interactive shell that allows users to execute Python code line by line and see the results immediately. The shell supports tab-completion, syntax highlighting, and other features that make it easier to write and debug code.
- Rich Output: IPython can display rich media, such as images, videos, and HTML content, directly in the output. This is particularly useful for data visualization and working with multimedia content.
- Magic Commands: IPython includes a set of “magic” commands that provide additional functionality beyond standard Python commands. Magic commands are prefixed with a percent sign (%) for line magics or two percent signs (%%) for cell magics. Examples of magic commands include %run (to run a Python script as a program), %pwd (to display the current working directory), and %matplotlib (to enable inline plotting with Matplotlib).
- History and Logging: IPython keeps a history of the commands you’ve entered, making it easy to revisit and reuse previous code. It also supports logging of input and output, which can be useful for record-keeping and sharing code.
- Integration with Jupyter: IPython is the default kernel for Jupyter Notebook and JupyterLab, which are web-based interactive computing environments. Jupyter allows users to create notebooks that combine code, text, equations, and visualizations in a single document. IPython’s features are available within Jupyter notebooks, making them a popular choice for data analysis, scientific research, and education.
- Extensibility: IPython can be extended with custom magic commands, input and output processors, and other plugins. This allows users to customize IPython to suit their specific needs.
- Debugging: IPython provides a powerful debugger that allows users to step through code, set breakpoints, and inspect variables. The debugger can be invoked using the %debug magic command.