Used Stylebot with Chrome.
With Stylebot
With Stylebot
Details for setup (Click triangle to expand)
Install Stylebot
Using the ChatGPT web page enter a prompt to create lines longer than 100 characters, e.g.
Create some CSV lines that are more than 100 characters.
In the upper right of Chrome click the extensions icon (looks like a puzzle piece)
This will show a list of installed extensions.
Open Sytlebot
At the bottom select
<> Code
Paste in the CSS as given by @EugenS
.text-base {
max-width: 100% !important;
padding-left: 20px !important;
padding-right: 20px !important;
- May need to refresh the page to apply the additional CSS rules.
- Close the Stylebot dialog by clicking the close icon in the upper right (Circle with X inside)
If you want to be able to quickly enable/disable Stylebot
then click the pin icon in the list of extensions.
Before clicking pin for Stylebot
After click pin for Stylebot
and then can click on the Stylebot
icon in the upper right of Chrome.