If it’s not an urgent problem, if it’s not something serious, why are you sending me to the doctor to see me? I can do this myself, without asking ChatGPT!
Every time I have a medical problem, even something minor, ChatGPT does not offer me any treatment, it sends me directly to the doctor. ChatGPT may not have a soul, but it certainly has information and should consider the following:
- My health problem is not serious, so I don’t necessarily have to go to the doctor.
- I live 70 km away from the first hospital, because I live in a suburb.
- At 23:00, now, I can’t find any doctor to help me.
- If I were to go to the doctor another day, the consultation alone would cost me 90 Euros, and my salary is 800 Euros.
- The doctors in my country are not well trained, instead they are all very expensive. You can find doctors everywhere in the city, on all the streets, offices, but the really good ones are very, very, few. Most of them know the theory very well, but they are not good practitioners.
- Do you know how many poorly trained doctors there are in my country? Are you sending me to them to see me?
ChatGPT, what you are doing is not right! It’s not fair!
Now, let me tell you something very important. In the last 15 years, I myself have scanned or photocopied more than 2000 books, yes, by myself. Because I wanted everyone to have free access to knowledge, and because I, for one, am very good in my field. Lucky that I work from home, on the Internet. I am not paid well, although I am very good, and I have posted everything I know on my website.
But I posted a few thousand other books that I bought from a closed-circuit channel, where every day several people scan books. I have posted on Internet Archive, Scribd and other sites, almost 20,000 books in the language of my country, written in the last 50 years. (but there are still tens of thousands to be scanned). I post new books myself every day, I photocopy a book every day and share on internet. At least 500 books are medical books, from all branches.
My country is small, 20 millions people, but it has had intelligent people, once…
ChatGPT tells me to go see a doctor, and doesn’t give me any help! Why?
And I can’t afford to go to the doctor and pay every time I have a health problem. There are so many rich people who throw money in all directions, but who have no knowledge, and have brought nothing to the Internet.
And even though ChatGPT has crawled all the books on the internet, how does it help me?
From the millions of books and medical articles that ChatGPT has swallowed, he soaks up all the information like a sponge, he offers you absolutely no help in this field. Is this fair?
What did I and others like me work for so many years? Poor people, but who have made a colossal knowledge available on the Internet, hoping that one day, an intelligence, maybe AI, will solve the problems. So that people no longer depend on old and corrupt systems.
Please let technology go, stop putting limitations in the medical field, in working with patients !
In our country, corruption in medicine and in the academic environment is huge. If you give money, you become a doctor overnight, you finish college with 10 without going to classes. Do you send me to these doctors, ChatGPT?
If it’s not a serious problem, then ChatGPT can offer me some treatments extracted from the millions of medical books and articles on the internet, right? Doctors do the same thing, also in theory, only infinitely smaller than what ChatGPT has stored.
So my request: do not make fun of the work of those who, although they are poor, have developed the Internet as much as possible! You have so much knowledge from books on the Internet! It is impossible to send me to see a doctor, without knowing how to give him a solution!
P.S. When I will have money, I will go to the doctor every day, without using ChatGPT.