I get a blank page on Safari when I access the playground. Any workarounds you know of?
Console error: Unrecognized Content-Security-Policy directive ‘worker-src’.
I get a blank page on Safari when I access the playground. Any workarounds you know of?
Console error: Unrecognized Content-Security-Policy directive ‘worker-src’.
I am also getting this same error
Same here. I’ll be trying Android in a bit.
It started working a few days later.
I’m getting a blank page on Safari all day today as well.
Does anyone know of ways to sort this on the user side?
Just tested on Safari, MackBook Air M1, MacOS latest versione: no problem at all
That’s good @IvanPsy. Unfortunately, my Safari is still a blank white screen.
If anyone has ideas of how to reset this, I’d be glad to hear them.
Mmmhhh… @Ro I get the same screen for some second, then the playground appears.
Sometimes it’s faster.
Don’t know if it helps.
I’m not a technician, so I can’t go any deeper.
Thanks @IvanPsy for your response. I’m still getting the white screen. However, the Playground works on Chrome, so I am running it on that browser instead.