Playground: No way to access recent (assistant) threads?

I played around with assistants since yesterday and just noticed that i cannot seem to find any way to continue “old” threads. So like the history pane in “Chat”, am i just missing something or does this not exist?


+1. And of course each new session will cost $0.03 per session :slight_smile:

You can create as many threads as you want, but you will have to store them in a db or similar.
So for example, if you create a new thread and add some msgs to it, you need to save the variable to be able to retrieve that thread later.

I’m wondering if there’s any way to see all threads that a user has created in the admin panel…
The same for runs.


In the OpenAI portoal, 'm seeing that the left menu item “Threads” is gone now. I created one assistant and one thread with it yesterday. I actually still have that thread open in another tab. Today in the 2nd tab where Threads is now gone, I created a new thread in the Playground by entering a message, but do not see how I can come back and access it. I logged out and logged back in.

Are others seeing this?
I assume it’s a bad bug they are working on fixing but if I’m confused, any help would be appreciated. I’m keen to try building a few assistants and testing them but don’t want to lose that work.

Hey, could you share the structure of that link? Maybe we can use it to access our own threads while we wait for this to be fixed.

Maybe it’s related to a security issue where anyone could access the thread by sharing the link?

The demo showed an airline ticket being uploaded as a PDF as well as an AirBnB rsvp, which could be a little too sensitive to be shared around.

Anyway I also just noticed it too

I have same problem … showed up after the downtime issue.

This is one of my previous threads from last night … now inaccessible. Was the threads features causing the downtime? The fix to remove it?

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Same issue here, haven’t seen the page in days. Did they remove it?

Yes, the inability to retrieve old threads unless you have somehow thought (a) to identify their thread_id at the time; (b) to copy them; (c) to store them “manually” before they can be retrieved, is a serious limitation. They are certainly still there because I have one old thread_id I was using to experiment with the CURL call, but no amount of attempts to retrieve a list of them has produced any joy.

Does anyone know how to do this? Are OpenAI working on an API call that will retrieve a list of old thread_ids? (We can see the assistant_ids under the names in the left pane, but nowhere are the thread_ids shown as far as I can see.) It would be enormously useful if they were/would.

Oh I had a so precious thread in the playground that I thought I’d just lost.

But I managed to retrieve the thread IDs!. The GET /threads endpoint is only accessible from the browser, so I did it in the browser developer tools:

  • opened devtools
  • did something in the playground that makes a request (click on Agents)
  • checked the request in the Networks pane, right click → copy fetch
  • in the Console pane, pasted the request. Changed agents to threads in the URL. Added r = await before, and removed the "credentials": "include" setting because it didn’t work with it.
  • it took a surprisingly long time (~10s) for the response to arrive (which may explain why it’s hidden)
  • await r.json()

This only lists the thread ids. For retrieving the messages, I was able to use the normal API calls.

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I was looking for this just now and can confirm that this works. Thanks!

Here’s how it ends up looking, for anyone else curious:

response = await fetch("", {
    "headers": {
        "Accept": "application/json",
        "Authorization": "Bearer SUPER SECRET",
        "OpenAI-Organization": "a bit secret",
        "OpenAI-Beta": "assistants=v1",
    "method": "GET",

response.json().then(js =>; // Array of threads

I haven’t seen any indication that this is isn’t allowed. I assume they just benched the docs and interface while working on it.

Hey folks, after some additional work from our team, the threads page is now back with the ability to disable it or limit access to org owners:


Thanks for the update @logankilpatrick :slight_smile:

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In a few days to make sure your problem is solved and if you don’t have any more questions related to this can you reply that it is OK for a moderator to close this topic?

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Hey, quick question: Is it possible to delete threads via the interface?

I’ve been fighting with this, and it doesn’t work anymore, or does it? I’m also having problems with CORS, maybe that’s my problem?
I changed the Authorization to match the “sess-*” of my browser session (got it using “Copy as HAR” in the network flow in dev tools in Chrome).

With that I did pass authentication and CORS, but got:

  "error": {
    "message": "Listing threads is disabled for this organization",
    "type": "invalid_request_error",
    "param": null,
    "code": null

I just can’t believe they don’t expose and endpoint to list threads…

Sorry, I just needed to enable Thread access, and then it works

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