Could we get a dark mode switch on the playground please?
Yes, I would very much appreciate a dark mode. Being over 50, the all-white is hard on my eyes to where I have to turn my screen brightness down whenever I use the Playground. A dark mode would make using the site so much more pleasant and easy to use.
this needs to happen. the UI is way too bright
still no dark mode? this is crazy.
I am sitting in a dark room and cant turn the lights on, almost everything on my laptop screen is dark except the most important thing >>> PLAYGROUND!!
will appreciate (along with million others) if OpenAI adds this to playground AND the Community.
I support the idea of dark-mode switch. Or at least, based on system preferences.
Didn’t know there was a light mode till I found the light mode switch
While you’re waiting you can check out the PROMPTMETHEUS playground. It has dark mode and a lot of other cool extra features.
This seems to have worked:
goto chrome flags > search for ‘Auto Dark Mode for Web Contents’ > set to enabled and voila!
Just to build onto @radion’s answer:
Chrome flags are a way to activate browser features that are not available by default. Usually these options are for developers or people that want further extensibility within Chrome, so it can be hard to find. Simply type in chrome://flags
in the URL page and then search “Dark” and, as of Chrome version 113, it should bring up the options related to dark mode:
- Darken websites checkbox in themes setting (Android only)
- Auto Dark Mode for Web Contents
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