The default macOS keyboard command to page up or page down (when no dedicated page up or page down keys are present like on a laptop) is ‘fn + up arrow’ or ‘fn + down arrow’.)
Please make these key commands work in ChatGPT for macOS. Thanks.
The default macOS keyboard command to page up or page down (when no dedicated page up or page down keys are present like on a laptop) is ‘fn + up arrow’ or ‘fn + down arrow’.)
Please make these key commands work in ChatGPT for macOS. Thanks.
Also how about making the [page up] and [page down] keys work in the macOS app?
I use a stylus and tablet, not mie and there is no scroll wheel or gesture surface to do scrolling of the ChatGTP window with. Page up/page down are the only way, unless I connect a mouse just to use its scroll wheel.
Please add support for [page up] [page down] and [fn + up arrow] [fn + down arrow] to the macOS app.
My son figure it out. On your scroll pad, use two fingers to swipe up or down or left and right