OSX deskdop bug rendering Latex code blocks

I am using ChatGPT for macOS, version 1.2025.009 (1737138094). This is the latest version available, I have the OSX app installed.

i asked o1 pro to make me a Latex document.
I looked at the exact same conversation on the website and the desktop app. they are different like this:

on the desktop OSX app:

Consider a monic polynomial of degree $begin:math:text$N$end:math:text$:
   P(z) \\;=\\; z^N + a_{N-1}\\,z^{N-1} + \\dots + a_1\\,z + a_0,

on the website:

Consider a monic polynomial of degree \(N\):
   P(z) \;=\; z^N + a_{N-1}\,z^{N-1} + \dots + a_1\,z + a_0,

\[ is being replaced with $begin:math:display$.
this is not in conversational text, this is in a Latex code block i asked it
to make.

the replacement is happening real time as the app produces the code block. it almost seems like some other component takes the text and
does math-search-and-replace as it is being produced.

so something is trying to render the equations on the desktop app
but not on the website. i think this is happening on-the-fly by some rogue
component that does not know to not do aything when a Latex code block
is being produced. there is no option to shut this thing down, i dont even
know if its part of the desktop app or the app is volunteering to have its text rendered by some OS component. it breaks the Latex code block though.
very annoying.