Open ai Assistants, failed status in vector store

Hi, I am using assistants api and a batch uploading pdf files but for some reason, one off file is successful and the other results in failed status. I am trying to understand what could be the reason for this failed status so that I can correct it before passing it in as a stream. Any help would be greatly appreciated

Hi and welcome to the developer forum,

The status of a batch can be checked using the OpenAI API, and it will return a Batch object. The status of a given Batch object can be any of the following:

validating: the input file is being validated before the batch can begin
failed: the input file has failed the validation process
in_progress: the input file was successfully validated and the batch is currently being run
finalizing: the batch has completed and the results are being prepared
completed: the batch has been completed and the results are ready
expired: the batch was not able to be completed within the 24-hour time window
cancelling: the batch is being cancelled (may take up to 10 minutes)
cancelled: the batch was cancelled

If your batch status is failed, it means the input file has failed the validation process. This could be due to an incorrect file format, size of the file, or the content of the file.

you can check the status with:

from openai import OpenAI
client = OpenAI()

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