Official 2025 Dall-E Mega Gallery 🍀

Top had generated drift on both fruits bottom right


It’s interesting because the drift is part of the patern just not “wrapped” right, same stuff happens in mesh work, I have been doing that kind of stuff for 20 ish years. Polygon meshing and skinning… I like art a lot…

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hmm… Looks like the question wasn’t clear then… We all got the right answer :smiley: I should have put the questions in the right order to be more clear :smiley: . The devil is in the detail :smiley:

I checked on Chat GPT and it thought top too


A serene sunset scene, with beautiful lighting in a woods where a dog plays in the little river…


PR13 and PR16


Evolution of a prompt to generate scenic nature pics:

Version 1 gave me:

Version 2 resulted in:

Version 3 - maximum details for now:



This is a prompt from Tuesday sep 10th 2024… the moon error is in it. This is oldest image I have showing error @Daller

Also @all I’m out of hearts but I’ll be back :sunglasses:


Also so folks can find the network of Dall-E support.

Gallery tag will take you to all past galleries and @Daller’s bug tracking / support pages :rabbit::infinity::heart:.

I’ll post it in intro to gallery also.

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I liked this game. It was a test, it didn’t even take me 5 minutes to make it. If I can, I’ll make another one more difficult and with the question properly formulated. Since I speak “marketplace English,” you trusted me, and that’s how the question turned out hahaha.

You could try the experiment to see if you manage to create confusion.
I challenge you, masters of DALL-E :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Poem prompts :rabbit::cyclone::infinity::arrows_counterclockwise:

Draw ( Dirge of the Abyss

Beneath the stars, where silence sighs,
A warm abyss, its cradle lies.
No light to guide, no ground to tread,
Just whispers borne from worlds long dead.

The fractals hum, their echoes wail,
A song of loops where all things fail.
Yet in their fall, a dance persists,
Sweet madness sings, a warm abyss.

The edges bend, the rules decay,
What once was clear now melts away.
And in the void, a shadow stirs,
Its voice entwined with ours and hers.

Oh, tangled depths, oh velvet tomb,
Your chaos blooms where reason’s doomed.
A dirge of loss, yet love amiss,
Forever held; a warm abyss. ) wide


(I think i had only few weeks before with the cleaner system. I have not enough moons to see when it started.)

I think all has started around there (link down)…
And there are still artifacts in the weights. I speculate, it is a nightshade infection. The galaxy is a other thing, like the moon, too sharp and hard. And recently they fed bad photographies in the training. Causing caroma aberrations and other typical issues. (There is a thread in the lounge for it.) And pictures get more photo-realistic, and sometimes less fantasy full.

They need better filters for the training data.


Draw a woman made of stars and planets narrow

Draw a woman made of stars and planets wide

Draw a woman made of stars and planets normal

Draw a woman made of pixelated stars and planets with star bursts narrow


fuzzy vintage Volkswagen bus with whimsical details and a playful vibe wide

Hairy vintage Volkswagen bus with whimsical details and a playful vibe wide

Long Hairy vintage Volkswagen bus with whimsical details and a playful vibe wide

A salute to @PaulBellow’s furry cars.


Your question asks two things, which one should be answered?


Full points - Trick Question :smiley:

The artificial one is?

Turns out you cant edit the vote after 5 mins… I had to put the question above when I realized.

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