Oauth Token Url, missing parameter

Hi, i recently added Oauth to my plugin. I managed to connect with my app and redirect to chat using callback.

But while redirecting to the chat, it calls Token url. I guess it calls the API to validate the token. The thing is when i cheked the request parameter, there is nothing in it. There should be code or other information to validate to token. But literally nothing. Just post request and api url. So i temporarily add access_token which i get it from my google Ouath login info.


I think there must be request for it. Or is there any other parameter to get information?

Isn’t the access token generated in the token URL supposed to be the same with the one generated in the authorization URL?

In my case, when a user makes a request, it goes to the authorization URL. From there, it redirects to Google’s login form using Google OAuth and generates an access token. With this access token, I can retrieve user information using the Google API. After this process, it redirects me back to OpenAI.

While redirecting to OpenAI, a request is sent to the token URL. But there is no other information to distinguish who makes a request.

So i generates random access token when a request is made to token url. Chat gpt allows me to login with this token. But i think it’s not right authentication.

Both are different tokens. One is for getting info from google and another is for authenticating endpoints in your app as you can see in the code of above Github repo

I see. I’m still a bit suffered from matching user info with token that i generated. But i will try to figure it out. Thanks!