the problem is that it did not give me any respond , i try to clear cashes, restart browser, restart computer. Thats did not help.
conversation looks like this ( look at screen i attached here) .
He did not respond like around 7 times already (on screen its few - rest he did not display) . And he is taking my prompts for it which i have limited in version i pay .
I dont know what to do, i am doing now important for me project and put already much time in it and it will be much work just to write it all in new topic.
… what can help ? i should try in another time because servers are busy now ? what to do ?
I tried to rewrite full code into new topic, …omm that took me so much time, and when i created new topic it said at beginning that I have only 5 prompts and after that and that time it will be renew (half or day wait) I thought i did not understood, or maybe something changed and he is saying how much prompt i did , not how much prompt is left . I start to rewrite my code to new topic and follow his help when suddenly he said that i already used my amount of prompts .Thats shocked me, normally i had 25 prompts for o1 version for this version of GPT i pay . That seems that he took plenty of prompts from limit and write back nothing.
Guys what is going on ? Seems that he ate my prompts and give me no replay. What i am paying for ? Fix that please
Absolutly the same for me. Tthe problems happens suddenly. And after that using o1 model in same chat returns nothing, don’t mater how many times you will try or after what delay. If change responce to o1-mini or any of 4o the AI responce well.
The probles is if I pay money I expect that it works, or if not at list let bot say that limits out , try after X hours. Non the mysterious “Thingking”