No API KEY provided

I am trying to fine tune a model. I am in the following line:

openai api fine_tunes.create -t <TRAIN_FILE_ID_OR_PATH> -m <BASE_MODEL>

When I try to run it, I get the following message:

No API key provided. You can set your API key in code using ‘openai.api_key = ’, or you can set the environment variable OPENAI_API_KEY=). If your API key is stored in a file, you can point the openai module at it with ‘openai.api_key_path = ’. You can generate API keys in the OpenAI web interface.

I am using Replit, which stores the API key in “Secrets”.

How do I provide the API key?

Hi @mp ,

You’ll have to use the environment variable for that. More info here

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Just type openai.api_key = “{api_key}”

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I did this. I mean I keep the <API_KEY> in the variable (openai.api_key)… but still it is showing this error.

Error: No API key provided. You can set your API key in code using ‘openai.api_key = ’, or you can set the environment variable OPENAI_API_KEY=). If your API key is stored in a file, you can point the openai module at it with ‘openai.api_key_path = ’. You can generate API keys in the OpenAI web interface. See for details, or email if you have any questions.

Put your API key into a text file named something like this: “api_key.txt”
Then type openai.api_key_path=“api_key.txt”

You can also use base64 encryption to encrypt the api key, but you don’t need to.


If you run openai using command ! openai, you should set api-key on environtment variable of your OS or you can set using this script:

import os
os.environ[‘OPENAI_API_KEY’] = ‘your key’


Create a new key and wait a little it will generate whole key and you will be able to copy it only once, if you loose u have to generate new one!

that’s work for my error in python3.10

I have tried both using api_key=
os.environ[“OPENAI_API_KEY”] = api_key

and export OPENAI_API_KEY-
Still i’m getting the same error.

Whether API Key should be used same or can be changed to new every time we run the trained model

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import openai
openai.api_key = “…”

!export OPENAI_API_KEY=“…”

!openai api fine_tunes.create -t /content/drive/My\ Drive/trainingPromptsAndCompletions1.jsonl -m davinci

I have tried both ways, still getting same error:

Error: No API key provided. You can set your API key in code using ‘openai.api_key = ’, or you can set the environment variable OPENAI_API_KEY=). If your API key is stored in a file, you can point the openai module at it with ‘openai.api_key_path = ’. You can generate API keys in the OpenAI web interface. See for details, or email if you have any questions.

Has anyone solved it yet?

I have never had a single problem using the environmental variable OPENAI_API_KEY, but I don’t use the OpenAI CLI and deleted it off my workstation within minutes after installing it.



I use PyCharm to write code on Windows 11, and I have the same problem.
The problem disappeared after restarting PyCharm.

No @ganga , i written this, it is working fine
os.environ[‘OPENAI_API_KEY’] = key

!openai api fine_tunes.create -t “sport2_prepared_train.jsonl” -v “sport2_prepared_valid.jsonl” --compute_classification_metrics --classification_positive_class “baseball” -m ada

All you need to do is:

  1. Generate an API key via this link: OpenAI API
  2. Create a paid account by punching in your credit card info. Important. :rofl:
  3. Then you can use the API as an environment variable, or directly in your program.
  4. Voila. It works.
    Give it a minute or two, after your enter your card info, for your account to be upgraded.

i think you don’t understand his question.
his prompt is not python script but native prompt linux

then :
$ openai -h
usage: openai [-h] [-v] [-b API_BASE] [-k API_KEY] [-o ORGANIZATION] {api,tools,wandb} …

positional arguments:
api Direct API calls
tools Client side tools for convenience
wandb Logging with Weights & Biases

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose Set verbosity.
-b API_BASE, --api-base API_BASE
What API base url to use.
-k API_KEY, --api-key API_KEY
What API key to use.
Which organization to run as (will use your default organization if not specified)

ex: “openai -k my_api_key api fine_tunes.create -t /home/dataset_prepared.jsonl -m gpt-3.5-turbo”

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You should use it directly in code (without os.getenv() )

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you can solve this issue simply just by replacing your with code given below:

openai.api_key = “your-key”

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Try this out in your command line:

openai -k <YOUR_API_KEY> api fine_tunes.create -t “your_path_to_gpt_prepared.jsonl” -m

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Separating into different cell the execution in kaggle solved for me.

that’s work for my error Thank you