New ChatGPT Plus feature for GPT-4: disable capabilities like web browsing or DALL-E individually

New checkboxes are now found under “Customize ChatGPT”:

The options are at the bottom, and could be missed on a smaller browser viewport, or if you never visit there.

I tested, and the selections to disable these tools only take effect when “enable for new chats” is toggled on (which also includes the instruction text) - and then you start a new chat, as it says.

The benefit is: less distraction to the AI when these are disabled.

Instead of needing to employ even more unnecessary prompt injection that comes along when using GPTs, simply for a GPT that has a dozen lines of DALL-E instructions removed, you can go right to the source.

As this is retained per-chat, you can also return to a past “no tools” chat with the customized behavior.

Also, the tools aren’t disabled, just uninstructed. Write enough instructions yourself and you still get your tool use by AI - without pesky prompting problems placed:



Two thumbs up for this feature!
Thanks for sharing.


The tools unselected in this UI are now immediately disabled across all conversations that you might continue. A new conversation is not necessary, and if you forget in an existing chat that the AI now can’t make an image, you can immediately change the setting and ask again.

Likely thanks to my disclosure instead of keeping the fun to myself, the backend also has tools truly disabled.

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