Need Guidance on Using AI for a Food Product Analysis Website

Hello everyone,

I’m an engineering student with a background in Java development, and I’m
going to work on a project that aims to leverage AI for analyzing food products. The goal is to create a website where users can search for food products by name and see an analysis of their ingredients. The website would identify any false advertising or hidden harmful ingredients that could impact user health. Additionally, the platform could recommend healthier and cost-effective food options for daily diets.

However, I’m new to AI development and have limited knowledge of machine learning and AI technologies. Given my current focus on Java, I want to use existing AI APIs that can analyze the food product data and provide accurate and useful insights, which I can display on the front end of the website.

Here’s a summary of what I need help with:

  1. Choosing the Right AI Model/Service: Which AI model or API (e.g., OpenAI’s models, other pre-built solutions) should I use to analyze food product ingredients and detect potential health risks? The data will include nutrition facts and ingredients.
  2. Data Acquisition: What are the best sources for gathering reliable food product data (ingredients, nutritional info, etc.)? How can I efficiently provide this data to the AI model?
  3. Learning Path: Since I’m a beginner with AI (and can’t delve deep into AI learning right now due to my coursework), I’d appreciate any suggestions for learning only the basics required to implement this project. Where should I start, and what resources should I follow?
  4. Integration with Java: My primary expertise is in Java development. What would be the best way to integrate AI into my Java-based website? Should I be looking at specific APIs that work well with Java, or are there better approaches?

I’m hoping to receive feedback and guidance from this amazing community, especially since I’m still new to AI and trying to balance it with my core studies in Java. Any tips, suggestions, or resources on how to proceed with this project would be incredibly valuable.

Thank you in advance for your help and support!

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