My Biggest Issue with Custom GPTS - GPT 4 Limits

The Issue - Custom GPTs cannot be used during GPT 4 Limits.
Solution - Allow the Custom GPT to switch to the 4o Mini Model or 3.5 model.

It’s a pain to not be able to use your custom GPTs during GPT 4 usage caps. I coded “switch to GPT 4o Mini model during GPT 4 Usage Caps” into my GPTs, and AI tells me that it will be done during those moments. It never switches models though. And as a paying subscriber, I cannot use my custom GPTS. It shouldn’t be so hard for developers to make this an option during GPT creation, or at least ensure AI carries out the switch of models. Developers please look at this.

Hi @themaster :wave:

Currently, It doesn’t support changing the underlying model for custom GPTs. All custom GPTs are powered by the GPT-4o model.

This model offers advanced language understanding and generation capabilities, enabling your custom GPTs to perform a wide range of tasks effectively.

For example it uses Code interpreter, Dalle Image Generation, and web search.

As of now, there’s no built-in feature to enable this model switching. If you’ve written in a GPT’s instruction to switch the model, the platform doesn’t support such customizations, leading to the issues you’ve encountered.