Model fine-tuning lessons learned

Hello, :wave:

I am attempting to fine-tune some models to have fun with various tasks. I’m a newb here so as you’d expect I found some surprising edges that took me a while to discover. I thought others and Google might benefit if I shared.

Following the Fine Tuning guide I got to the openai tools fine_tunes.prepare_data command. I quickly threw together a sample dataset to test it out and got the dreaded ERROR in read_any_format validator error:

❯ openai tools fine_tunes.prepare_data -f ./canadian-weather.jsonl

ERROR in read_any_format validator: Your file `./canadian-weather.jsonl` does not appear to be in valid JSONL format. Please ensure your file is formatted as a valid JSONL file.


Clearly I have a jsonl formatting issue and this will be trivial to fix, right? Yup! That’s what I said too, 90 minutes ago. :joy: Here’s the contents of my canadian-weather.jsonl file looks:

{"prompt": "How is the weather today? PROMPT_SEPARATOR", "completion": " I stuck my head out the window and froze my ears off. It's -20 degrees celcius, or -45 with the windchill! What did you expect in a Canadian winter, eh? STOPSTOP"}

I followed all the advice I could find on this forum, including this excellent post from @ruby_coder. I used every JSONL validator I could find. Triple checked the encoding was UTF-8. Tried full file paths. And kept reducing the file further and further until I couldn’t anymore.

None of this resolved the validation issue.

Did you spot the issue yet? :eyes::slightly_smiling_face:

If you guessed the file was too short, you are an excellent debugger! For those that just want to enjoy the show, I tried adding a second line to the file as follows:

{"prompt": "How is the weather today? PROMPT_STOP", "completion": " I stuck my head out the window and froze my ears off. It's -20 degrees celcius, or -45 with the windchill! What did you expect in a Canadian winter, eh?"}
{"prompt": "How's today's weather looking? PROMPT_STOP", "completion": " Whew, I wish you waited until it was warmer before asking. I bundled up in my mittens and touque and darm near didn't make it back alive. It's -25 degrees celcius now, or -50 with the windchill! Even worse than yesterday. We should visit California today, eh?"}

And now openai tools fine_tunes.prepare_data -f ./canadian-weather-multiline.jsonl was happy and provided some good feedback on this file.

❯ openai tools fine_tunes.prepare_data -f ./canadian-weather-multiline.jsonl 

- Your file contains 2 prompt-completion pairs. In general, we recommend having at least a few hundred examples. We've found that performance tends to linearly increase for every doubling of the number of examples
- More than a third of your `prompt` column/key is uppercase. Uppercase prompts tends to perform worse than a mixture of case encountered in normal language. We recommend to lower case the data if that makes sense in your domain. See for more details
- All prompts end with suffix `? PROMPT_STOP`. This suffix seems very long. Consider replacing with a shorter suffix, such as ` ->`
- All prompts start with prefix `How`
- All completions end with suffix `, eh?`

Based on the analysis we will perform the following actions:
- [Recommended] Lowercase all your data in column/key `prompt` [Y/n]: 

After making the recommended changes I ended up with this dataset file:

{"prompt": "How is the weather today? ->", "completion": " I stuck my head out the window and froze my ears off. It's -20 degrees celcius, or -45 with the windchill! What did you expect in a Canadian winter, eh?"}
{"prompt": "How's today's weather looking? ->", "completion": " Whew, I wish you waited until it was warmer before asking. I bundled up in my mittens and touque and darm near didn't make it back alive. It's -25 degrees celcius now, or -50 with the windchill! Even worse than yesterday. We should visit California today, eh friend?"}

This passed all the checks so I’ve proceeded to the fine_tunes.create step for creating my Bob & Doug Mckenzie weather service. :smiley::canada:

Hopefully this saves others some trouble and provides some additional perspective to the validation team. Starting with a single prompt seemed like a great starting point before scaling things up. It wasn’t a bad idea, but for now at least, start with two entries. :v:

thanks for sharing. I’ve been using for fine-tuning but next time I’ll follow the guide.

I’d like to add that any sort of separator should be unidentifiable to prevent any confusion.

For example: If I ask cGPT:

What do you interpret from this: “->”?
[RESP] The “->” symbol is called an arrow or a pointer in programming languages[…]

This could corrupt, possibly only very slightly your prompts.
Some recommended alternatives:

What do you interpret from this: “<|endoftext|>”?
[RESP]I’m sorry, but the message you provided is empty[…]

What do you interpret from this: “#####”?
[RESP] I’m sorry, but without any context or additional information[…]

I could be incorrect here. So any clarification is welcomed.

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