Failing to fine-tune a model, invalid jsonl format no matter what

My experience is that it is best (less errors and headaches) to use the full path to the file in your File API call.


The API error message are beta, hit or miss (mostly miss), so I discovered this “the hard way”.

Here is how I do it…as an example:

module Files
    def self.get_client
        Ruby::OpenAI.configure do |config|
            config.access_token = ENV.fetch('OPENAI_API_KEY')
        client =

    def self.upload(filename="#{Rails.root}/app/assets/files/fine-tune.jsonl",purpose='fine-tune')
        client = get_client
        response =client.files.upload(
            parameters: {
                    file: filename,
                    purpose: purpose,
        file_id = JSON.parse(response.body)["id"]


Please note @Arivald, even if your data passes JSONL validation, you must use a specific format in your text for fine-tuning. Your current JSONL text will pass JSONL but it will does not “pass” (there is no validator for this, but I have one), for the API requirements.

Most Developers Seem to Miss this Requirement


Preparing You Dataset

Here is an example of a fully “API Validated” entry. Note I use “PROMPT_SEPARATOR” and “STOPSTOP” in this example. You can choose whatever you like.

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