Men's Shed - What Generative AI Missed :/

I just want to post something that isn’t PhDs navel gazing waiting for their ‘AI Overload’ to whisk them into some drug induced nirvana based on an advancement in generative AI…

My Grandad had his 100th birthday last week. An age I am very unlikely to make… He trained to fly Spitfires in Canada…

(Please check the graph on this page… Slider is at the top… 5 years to 1.5… It’s simple math… Read a little deeper (use the slider) and maybe it’s 2.5 years :frowning:

How did we screw things up so bad since? The world seems to have gone into a nose dive.

A guy from the local men’s shed made a table for us this week. It cost us less than a table from China.

I texted him today and asked him how sustainable this table was? Was it made out of pine wood (which ChatGPT told me from photos - and also told me that this was the most sustainable option)… Well… He popped round the house, we had a chat… apparently much of the wood, at least the legs, was reclaimed.

The biggest problem he had he said was that without a license he couldn’t reclaim a lot.

Now let’s check the resolution on this again… I think we kinda bottomed out on this log curve…

Where did this all start?.. in 2022 with ChatGPT? er maybe if you’re a Millennial…

Or maybe if you have lived a little longer you know this started, as an old friend of mine put it… with Abacus 2.0… Or the CPU based on Turing’s Machine and von Neumann’s architecture.

I read today that in the next 3 years we will create more data than in the whole of human history…

AND NO-ONE WILL READ IT! Like they didn’t really read the last 10 years either, most people certainly not the last 100.

So I’m going to ask those on this forum with a little free time to contribute meaningfully to a recycling effort…

Yep not this one… but a slightly more abstract offscreen one… Yep that world really does exist…

How powerful is this technology? Can it utilise existing knowledge in some way, even the knowledge that was never put online? In a HUMAN way?

Lawyers… Really? Why can’t wood be reclaimed?
Designers… How would I use ChatGPT best to share an image of a makeup table for my wife’s for our wedding anniversary with this guy who made the table.
Programmers … There’s a lot of data about… How does one best utilize it?

I came here 9 months ago to fix some problems… I put all my cards on the table…

I want my son to join NASA (Or SpaceX or whatever lol)… I want my daughter to be a doctor (or whatever she wants)…

Right now this is a rather pixelated forum, both feet in a dream world (no offense meant)…

Moderators trying to keep everything about API, real people developing ideas and being creative and hitting a hard wall…

What’s REAL?

There is a lot of speculative talk that AI could transcend us because it doesn’t follow ‘traditional logic’ but this is a fallacy… It follows ‘Metaphorical Logic’ ie something you wouldn’t quote on but you kinda get.. The world of the machine is not based on all that is, just all it knows ie Math from observed data…

I have not seen a single real world project on this forum… Just code, stories and AI generated lessons :confused: