Matters concerning the upgrade from Assistant V1 to V2

Chinese version-----
English version-----
I want to upgrade from V1 to V2. Below are the changes I plan to make for the upgrade. Please correct me if there’s anything wrong. Thank you very much:

  1. I need to replace the Beta version in the request header.
  2. Change the original helper tool retrieval to the new tool file_search.
  3. For the initialization of the helper tool’s files, I need to move files to tool_resources.
  4. For the original retrieval tool, does the new file_search need to use a vector database? (I’m a bit confused here; can you help draft a process?)
  5. Within thread messages, files were previously identified as file_ids but now as attachments. At this point, I want to ask if the files I generate will be added to the vector database by the helper and indexed?
  6. I don’t need access to old file data from V1 and do not need to worry about cross-version access issues.
  7. I haven’t used python; I made direct requests with curl.

Hi there,

  1. Yes, that’s correct.
  2. Yes, that’s correct.
  3. Yes, that’s correct – but you’ll want to first create a vector_store object and add the files to that.
  4. It does need a vector_store – you can see our documentation on this here:
  5. That’s right, creating a Message attachment automatically adds the file to the Thread’s vector store. If there is no vector_store attached to the thread, we automatically create one for you.
  6. Great. You can simply start using the latest API version for all object creation.
  7. Sounds good.

Here is a more detailed migration guide:

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