Assistants API V2 Examples?

OK all the stuff at the Cookbook is still V1 code, and GPT has been useless at reading the V2 migration docs.

Where can I find V2 example CURL commands for:

  1. uploading a file
  2. staring the thread and run with my Assistant and referencing that file
  3. send the tool reply (“true”) to trigger the tool
  4. retrieve the messages

And is that still the correct order for those steps?
and Do I still need to send the blank tool response to trigger the tool? (fixing that would be all this work)


I just rechecked the API docs online. OpenAI has helpfully added “(v1)” to the titles of all the Assistants docs. Thanks!

Now, where’s all the V2 docs?!

You guys are new, maybe you don’t get that “releasing” a new API means releasing all the documentation for it AT THE SAME TIME.

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just what I was thinking! …

As of this morning all the “(v1)s” are gone and this looks like v2 instructions.
It doesn’t specifically say so anyplace, but…

also we appear to still be using v1 endpoints with our v2 assistants:

-H “Authorization: Bearer $OPENAI_API_KEY”
-H “Content-Type: application/json”
-H “OpenAI-Beta: assistants=v2” \

that’s going to confuse a lot of people