It’s not a charge, its an initial purchase to fill an account, you then can use that to make API calls. It’s not lost unless you won’t be spending $0.02 a day over an entire year.
Your statement rephrased "People are not going to use $6 of AI services in a year, that’s too much money. Instead, they are going to buy $500+ GPUs and spend hours setting up their own little local AI.
I don’t really mind the change, although there was very little time between the announcement in the email and the actual switch, that could have been handled way smoother.
What I am wondering about is, what is happening with the monthly limit?
Enabling Auto recharge does not mention anything about a possible Limit, this worries me a bit as a safety net is always welcome.
Or they may be working full time in a different domain thus not needing to spend 2 cents a day and just run stuff on their own pre-existing hardware or indeed go to one of the many alternatives as and when they get a chance to work on their persional/hobby projects
I’ve still got the monthly limit set. It’s still there so don’t worry. I agree on timing I think I got about 3 emails over a course of a week and I don’t tend to look at personal email all that often so didn’t notice till they’d switched me to pre-pay and everything started erroring out.
Similarly hadn’t been using it for a couple of days so didn’t notice like the second they did the switch like some people seem to assume I would. Believe it or not some of us having other thinsg to do than muck about with the openAI APIs every day or even use our own software that uses them