Like many users, I have accumulated many valuable experiments in chatgpt.
Manually searching my topic history, however, has become entirely impractical due to quantity, speed, and lack of sorting on the UI.
My request: Please enable chatgpt to similarity-search my entire topic history. As a fallback, please put this capability into the API. Ideally do both. Your chatgpt app is screaming for help and ATM openai won’t even let 3rd party developers do anything to serve this need on your behalf.
I even tried to do it myself but I discovered the web app of chatgpt is using incremental loading of my topic history in the javascript, it seems. Only a handful at a time of my topics are available, incrementally loaded when scrolling is activated.
Thus my code is being prevented by the chatgpt app design, when I would have loaded and found my topic titles and conversation texts completely into a vector database myself, by web scraping the chatgpt site.
I could alternatively access my comprehensive chat history by downloading or “exporting” the whole history and sending it to my email address, but this is so cumbersome as it unfortunately takes a few days.
And this last approach does not solve the problem for other people either very well as I would have to tell them to do all these steps and then run my app to do the search.
Ideally I would create a new GPT app that everyone can use for searching their own histories. I bet a lot of people want this.
So, let us access our topic and convo histories completely please.
Thank you