Logit_bias not working as expected

I’m using GPT for answering multiple-choice questionnaires, where the model is used for deciding between option A-E. I want the model to only return one of these options. I also want the model to give me the logprob of each of the options. The critical aspect is that the model can only return the tokens A, B, C, D, E. I do this by setting the logit_bias of these tokens to 100. However, it does not return these as the top log_probs, but as other tokens as visualized below. Even when I try setting the logit_bias as -100 for these unwanted tokens, I still get the same response.

Why is not logit_bias working the way I want it to? I thought that if I set the logit_bias of A, B, C, D, E to 100, then the function could only return one of these tokens. Why is this not working?

One month ago the top_logprobs were always A, B, C, D and E. But this is no longer the case. Are there any updates I need to take into account?

This is my call for the function.

response_message, response = gpt_call( prompt=mc_score_prompt, max_tokens=1, top_logprobs=5, logprobs=True, temperature=1, logit_bias={
          33: 100.0,   #  B 
          34: 100.0,   #  C 
          35: 100.0,   #  D
          36: 100.0,   #  E 

def gpt_call(prompt="", model="gpt-4", robot="", logit_bias={}, logprobs=False, max_tokens=1024, temperature=0, tool_choice=None, tools=None, top_logprobs=None):

    client = OpenAI(api_key=os.environ.get("OPENAI_API_KEY"),)

      completion = client.chat.completions.create(
          #{"role": "system", "content": robot},
          {"role": "user", "content": prompt}

    return completion.choices[0].message, completion.choices[0]

This is my response:

Choice(finish_reason=‘length’, index=0, logprobs=ChoiceLogprobs(content=[ChatCompletionTokenLogprob(token=‘B’, bytes=[66], logprob=-5.3000836e-05, top_logprobs=[TopLogprob(token=‘B’, bytes=[66], logprob=-5.3000836e-05), TopLogprob(token=‘The’, bytes=[84, 104, 101], logprob=-9.859428), TopLogprob(token=‘Option’, bytes=[79, 112, 116, 105, 111, 110], logprob=-14.296928), TopLogprob(token=’ B’, bytes=[32, 66], logprob=-17.406303), TopLogprob(token=‘"B’, bytes=[34, 66], logprob=-17.578178)])]), message=ChatCompletionMessage(content=‘B’, role=‘assistant’, function_call=None, tool_calls=None))

Wherer the top_logprobs are:
B: -5.3000836e-05
The: -9.859428
Option: -14.296928
B: -17.406303
"B: -17.578178

Have you tried instructing the model via a system prompt to answer only a single letter between A-E?

Yes, I get the same result.
I have also specified in the user prompt to only answer with a single letter.

  • You won’t see the effect of logit bias in logprobs any more. The post-logit_bias logprobs are unavailable, since this allowed researchers to make many calls and explore the entire dictionary of response values and determine model parameters.

The evidence that it worked is that your response content was ‘B’. The produced content had a lower natural certainty than “The” or “Option” (where the AI wanted to chat), but you still got ‘B’.


Why won’t I see the effects of logit bias in logprobs? Is there anywhere I can find this information?

I explained why you don’t receive affected logprobs. The paper is Stealing Part of a Production Language Model.

OpenAI turned off the stealing. There is now a path to return a softmax result without logit_bias (and never included temperature).

I made a sampling diagram to imagine what’s going on.

Also removed from your view is the certainty that the AI wants to call a function with its first token. A token that your promotion of other tokens cannot affect to influence or reign in function-calling. And all logprobs disabled when that function is invoked.