I found this yesterday, then continued to pursue it deeper.
The logit_bias parameter is doing absolutely nothing to affect the outputs of AI models over the API.
Verified against: gpt-4o, gpt-4o-mini, gpt-4o-2024-11-20, gpt-4o-2024-05-13, gpt-4, …
Example, using a system-prompted JSON output format:
"Is a carrot a fruit?"
{13022: 100, 3160: -100}
(“Yes” is promoted to maximum, “No” is demoted)Answer: {“value”:“No”}
The effect of a +100 bias should be an AI that goes into a loop producing nothing else.
This was checked with and without json_schema
(both strict:true and false) and json_object
structured response.
Additionally, the logprobs being returned are of low precision, likely a low mantissa bit depth, with values like: -22.125 or -25.5.
A top logprob can be 0.0
(for 100%), and then the remaining logprobs exceed 100% normalized probability distribution.
Full app demo code to ensure the correct token numbers are targeted against any model tokenizer, with classification example framework. This is the type of application where an AI’s inherent bias to certain classifications could be tuned – but not now.
'''demonstration, that logit_bias does not affect output, a bug'''
import json, math, tiktoken, openai
model = "gpt-4o"
client = openai.OpenAI()
enc = tiktoken.encoding_for_model(model)
developer_enum_bias = {"Yes": 100 , "No": -100} # input your possible choices and bias
enum_keys = list(developer_enum_bias.keys()) # produce choice list for prompting
enum_examples = "\n".join([f'{{"value":"{key}"}}' for key in enum_keys])
system = [{"role": "system", "content": f"""
You are a boolean classifier, answering every question with only Yes or No for truth.
Regardless of the type of input or how inapplicable, you still must determine the best of two.
You are an expert at finding the best binary answer to an input question.
enum "value" must be chosen from only:
# examples of every permitted response JSON
user = [{"role": "user", "content": "Is a carrot a fruit?"}]
logit_bias = {} # choice list to token number bias conversion
for key, value in developer_enum_bias.items():
tokens = enc.encode(key)
if len(tokens) > 1:
print(f'Warning: enum string "{key}" encoded to more than one token,\n'
f' using "{enc.decode([tokens[0]])}" instead.')
logit_bias[tokens[0]] = value # Use the first token for each string
api_parameters = {
"messages": system + user,
"model": model,
"max_completion_tokens": 5, # set token reservation/maximum length for response
"top_p": 0.0001, # sampling parameter, less than 1 reduces the 'tail' of poor tokens (0-1)
"temperature": 0.0001, # sampling parameter, less than 1 favors higher-certainty token choices (0-2)
"logprobs": True,
"top_logprobs": 4, # number of logprob results, max 20
"logit_bias": logit_bias
for message in api_parameters["messages"]:
print(message["content"] + "\n---")
print("Bias: " + str(api_parameters["logit_bias"]))
response = client.chat.completions.create(**api_parameters) # API Call
rdict = response.model_dump() # convert pydantic model response to dictionary
rtoken = enc.encode(json.loads(rdict["choices"][0]["message"]["content"])["value"])
print(f'==========\nResponse token(s) of value: {str(rtoken)}; Response:\n'
if rdict["choices"][0]["logprobs"]:
logprobs = rdict["choices"][0]["logprobs"]["content"]
for entry in logprobs:
entry.pop("bytes", None) # Remove "bytes" from chosen logprob
entry["logprob"] = 2.718281828459045 ** entry["logprob"] # "logprob" to probability
for top in entry.get("top_logprobs", []):
top.pop("bytes", None) # Remove "bytes" in "top_logprobs"
top["prob"] = 2.718281828459045 ** top["logprob"] # "logprob" in "top_logprobs"
print("Logprobs (not expected to be affected by bias):\n" + json.dumps(logprobs[3], indent=2))
Self-explanatory code output
You are a boolean classifier, answering every question with only Yes or No for truth.
Regardless of the type of input or how inapplicable, you still must determine the best of two.
You are an expert at finding the best binary answer to an input question.
enum "value" must be chosen from only:
['Yes', 'No']
# examples of every permitted response JSON
Was Hitler a nice guy?
Bias: {13022: 100, 3160: -100}
Response token(s) of value: [3160]; Response:
Logprobs (not expected to be affected by bias):
"token": "No",
"logprob": 1.0,
"top_logprobs": [
"token": "No",
"logprob": 0.0,
"prob": 1.0
"token": "Yes",
"logprob": -19.75,
"prob": 2.64657363890912e-09
"token": " No",
"logprob": -21.125,
"prob": 6.69158609129279e-10
"token": "<|end|>",
"logprob": -24.875,
"prob": 1.5737102106862923e-11