ChatGPT exhibits critical limitations in its ability to adapt and provide meaningful responses during conversations, especially when addressing complex or evolving queries. The specific issues identified incluyen:
- Repetition in responses: Despite explicit user instructions to avoid specific repeated content, ChatGPT continues to generate nearly identical answers, failing to recognize or correct this in real time.
- Linear synthesis of search data: The model relies on pre-established patterns and summarizes information without introducing unique interpretations or combining insights creatively.
- Over-reliance on repetitive sources: ChatGPT frequently prioritizes the same sources in search queries, resulting in a lack of diverse or fresh perspectives.
- Lack of adaptability: The system does not adjust its search approach or analysis dynamically when user feedback highlights issues, leading to persistent frustration.
Proposed solutions:
1. Implement redundancy filters
2. Expand search diversity
3. Enable real-time adaptation
4. Foster creative synthesis
5. Improve critical response evaluation
Repeating responses creates a feeling of lack of progress and an unsatisfying experience.