A while ago, I made a similar thread and the problem was fixed at that time.
But since the introduction of gpt-4o (or chatgpt-4o-latest, which is probably used in Advanced Voice), I recently noticed the same problem again, so I am creating this thread as feedback.
In English, when you ask a question, whether you answer “yes” or “no” depends on whether the answer is affirmative or negative.
For example, in response to the English question “You’re not telling the truth, are you?”, you would say “Yes, I am telling the truth”.
However, in Japanese language, especially for questions that require a “yes” or “no” answer, you are usually asked whether you agree or disagree.
For instance, the Japanese question “あなたは本当のことを言っていませんね?” (You’re not telling the truth, are you?) is asking whether you agree with the statement.
If you are telling the truth, you would answer “いいえ” (No) and then continue with “本当のことを言っています” (I am telling the truth).
The nature of the questions changes depending on the language.
This topic is not about double negatives or that the Japanese language is ambiguous, but that in Japanese language, questions that require a “yes” or “no” answer are expressions that ask for agreement or disagreement.
For the question “お寿司は好きじゃないんですか?” (Don’t you like sushi?), if you agree (affirmative), you would answer “いいえ、好きです” (No, I like it).
If you disagree (negative), you would answer “はい、好きではないんです” (Yes, I don’t like it).
For instance, the newly available Advanced Voice can say “I’m sorry for being late” in over 50 languages.
But if I say “それは本心ではありませんよね?” (You don’t really mean that you’re sorry, do you?) and ChatGPT replies はい! (Yes!), I would be like, “What??” and if it continues with はい!本心から申し訳なく思っています。“Yes! I’m really feel sorry!”, I’d just be confused.
As this shows, language is deeply rooted in culture and cannot be separated.
OpenAI’s models have made remarkable progress and improvements so far, but sometimes, unfortunately, those improvements can revert.
To help ensure such things don’t happen, I would appreciate it if OpenAI receives this as feedback!