For a picture, I calculate the pixels to be 1900*1900 / / 223KB.
The cost of using URL to transfer is US$0.003825, by gpt price. But I have not successfully transferred to GPT. So there’s no way to know the actual cost at this time.
I have used base64 encoding for transmission and consumed more than 100,000 tokens.
Can someone tell me, does both transfer methods cost the same?
Sorry, I uploaded it a few days ago. Records in PYcharm are not retained. But I have a situation of API consumption. I spent nearly $5 that day. Since I’m a beginner, I had GPT return records that consumed a tonken of proficiency.
on 19 Jun, when I first upload the file, it prompts me for more than a single transfer token. So I divided the base64 encoding into about 30 parts for transmission. The base64 encoding of an image is divided into 30 parts.
That’s what I do.
I have never learned any programming , so I wrote the codes with GPT guidance. Although I made this mistake, I still want to say that GPT is a great project.