Is it just me or did ChatGPT become less able to code recently?

I perceive a bit of a drop in the quality of answers recently. This is obviously super subjective, just wondering if anyone has the same experience.

My prompts are usually like: "Here is some code…here is some other code… Please change it so that it does this and that… " I recently find that it trips up a lot, halluzinating functions, adding old features back in, mixing up code.

Is there any transparency on the actual “version” of exact model/settings. I imagine OpenAI is changing ChatGPT a lot, even though the underlying model might be the same.

Appreciate any thoughts on this.

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Yes, I can confirm this. It can’t remember important details from current chat. I’m using open AI text to speech and all of a sudden it starts adding whisper syntax and Google text to speech syntax, it has a difficult time remembering to look at its training files in the GPT that I’ve created and this is a stark difference between this week and let’s say 2 weeks ago. You certainly aren’t imagining this I’ve been using check ChatGPT 4 and ChatGPT 4o.

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Yes I’m also experiencing this and it’s extra painful. I accidentally deleted a bunch of code from a few weeks ago (new to Xcode environment) and not only did it have a hard time pulling up the code that had been written, but new chats trying to reach the same point are struggling. It’s so bad that it even messes up the syntax to show code in chats, and often repeats itself so it will start a code snippet and then type the start of the code again halfway through the snippet, such that the final bit of normal text is still in code mode. It’s a mess. I even had it just now go from knowing all the code context, then when I asked for one change it produced a generic “MyApp” example of the change rather than doing it for the app being discussed in the chat. OpenAI please fix this! Did someone accidentally set the context to minimum or what?!

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Actually just saw this is already being discussed quite a lot here:

Did ChatGPT 4o get progressively “dumber” for anyone else lately?

Gpt4o has become unusable

I din’t realise those threads, maybe “ChatGPT” would be a useful category of its own in this forum.

It’s completely useless now. I’m wasting more time explaining the problem and not getting answers that it would take me to solve the problem my self. It constantly forgets code and ideas that were told to it. It omits code almost every time.

I have noticed an improvement this morning, maybe something changed? I was able to recover the work I was doing, and have settled back in to small incremental changes one-by-one to my app. I also have been saving version numbers and asking 4o for change logs with each update. Perhaps it is just my new approach that makes it give more coherent answers. There are still some buggy responses that I have to nudge it again to correct, but overall there is more coherence, context and knowledge to the responses. Keeping my fingers crossed that it continues.

I feel the exact same way. LIKE WHAT HAPPENED? it ignores commands; when I tell it to make the corrections it has suggested, it rewrites the exact same thing over again. What’s going on ChatGPT?