Did ChatGPT 4o get progressively "dumber" for anyone else lately?

I have the same issue, 2 months ago i mades some new Dual language contracts , and it worked flawlessly. Now it’s like Chat_Gpt-4o is getting dumber. 3 weeks ago I was working on a contract in two languages . Each paragraph in a field and the translated in the next field. Things it did very well before, but now I had to give up using it for the task. It simply wouldn’t do it correctly. Its answers became worse and worse. I tried starting new chats, no chance, same issue.
The results ended coming out as lists, like it had forgotten what it was working on. I used chat gpt for a long time, and now it’s crap.
I tried Claud 3.5 and man what a difference, it’s like we understand each other :joy:.
I started to test the outputs and post same questions, and the difference is remarkable.
Please fix it OpenAi!!

I like ChatGPT, but it is really lagging behind, and the functions in competitors tools are getting much much better.