Is GPT-3 good at math? Let the answers speak for themselves!

I added some stuff from our side of the wall

These are Free Form Generative textual interfaces which output code+geometry and so on.

Review this please:


This a partial mathematical phrases that assume the Generative AI has a reference for annylus and Boolean algebra and x>y.

Note that user could have input:


I do not know any Neural Net algorithm which could:

  1. Strip off the English and work on annulus&&x>y as an algebraic expression. I have written my own elaborate Recurring Graph Neural Nets that does that, and it was quite hard and required a custom Learned net.

  2. I like to know how GPT-3 could handle Linearized mathematical expressions?

However I do know how to add custom Learned nets to GPT-3 if I had under the hood knowledge , but somehow I find no support from Open AI to build such systems.

So far as I know Open AI’s open source is officially closed by Microsoft so not clear to me who to call at Open AI?
