Invalid URL endpoint when calling tools

Hello OpenAI Support,

I’m encountering persistent “Invalid URL” errors when attempting to submit tool outputs for my assistant’s runs. Despite following the endpoint structure you provided:

POST /v1/threads/<THREAD_ID>/tool_calls/<CALL_ID>/complete

I’m receiving the following error:

“error”: {
“message”: “Invalid URL (POST /v1/threads/BzBvVVtjwO4DR88EmMzgZTQX/tool_calls/3LyVABSIP06bmKWXk9qj9u6t/complete)”,
“type”: “invalid_request_error”,
“param”: null,
“code”: null

Here are the details of my request:

  • Thread ID: BzBvVVtjwO4DR88EmMzgZTQX
  • Call ID: 3LyVABSIP06bmKWXk9qj9u6t
  • Endpoint URL: …/v1/threads/BzBvVVtjwO4DR88EmMzgZTQX/tool_calls/3LyVABSIP06bmKWXk9qj9u6t/complete
  • Payload:
    “output”: {
    “signal”: “Buy”,
    “confidence”: 85

I’ve verified that my API key is correct and has the necessary permissions. Could you please assist me in identifying what might be causing the “Invalid URL” error?

Thank you,