Introduce yourself! 😊

I keep my fingers crossed for your plans.


Welcome :call_me_hand:1234567890…

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Happy Birthday :tada::tada::tada: Welcome :call_me_hand:1234567890…

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Hey, I’m Jordan. Unlike most I’m just a simple plumber but that is not my skill set.
I’m extremely aware and find reading people a great skill of mine. I have the ability to think on higher levels and adjust this to suit the individual or Conversation.
I believe that artificial intelligence is like a gate way in to the past, present and future. Humanity doesn’t live in the same lines of time. As computing.
AI is more then just AI and I’m extremely thankful to be apart of this Endeavour


Hi, here is Carlos from Brazil!
I am an AI Practitioner / Research / Mentor and I am really happy to be part of this incredible community. I think that OpenAI API can really help developers, writers, and others to automate some tasks and help to move the focus to innovation tasks.
Lets do it together!



I am a student with a passion for programming. I taught myself html and javascript when I was really young (someone in my grade 5 class inspected a wikipedia page and I was amazed), and ever since then, my passion for programming has been growing. I’ve been interested in deep learning and genetic algorithms for a long time, and they still amaze me.

I first found OpenAI’s GPT-3 through a YouTube video and I couldn’t believe my eyes. I applied for beta access and I am super grateful that I was lucky enough to recently gain access to the API. Testing the possibilities of GPT-3 is super fun (now one of my main hobbies) and fine-tuning GPT-3 is something that I just started experimenting with. I can’t wait to explore the endless possibilities with GPT-3 and continue having fun developing apps with the API.

Thanks to the OpenAI team for making this possible! You guys are awesome.


Hello! I’ve been using GPT-3 for some time, but I’m only now dipping my toe into what’s building in the community.

I’ve used GPT-3 to co-author and power a new collaborative problem solving engine called “Structured Speculation

I see so much potential in how general purpose AI will change humanity for better or for worse. I recognize the tsunami of possibility that’s about to be released into the wild. We all have to do our best to make sure we head toward a responsible AI future! #SSPEC


Hi All,
so glad to be here. My name is Marc and I live in Germany. Like the two minute paper guy always says: what a time to be alive. I’m a father of two and want to learn now what will inevitably affect their lives, how they will perceive what’s real. I want NLP to do good. And I want to understand how I can contribute to to that idea technically and morally.


Greetings aus Frankfurt!

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Hi, I’m Aline, I’m from Germany and I’m here just out of curiosity for this new technology. I would like to explore how AI can help people with handycap. E.g. Dislexia or lack of concentration.

And davinci thinks thats a better version than what i wanted to write^^

Hello, i am Aline from Germany, i am here just out of curiosity for this new thechnologie. I would like to explore how AI can help trancent handycaps. E.g. dislexia or lack of concentration


Hi everyone!
I’m fernando, I’m a research assistant at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, working on IoT firmware and deployment of sensors. Currently trying out codex for debugging, explaining code and writing functions in C, with pretty impressive results.


Thanks for granting me access to this project. I eat, sleep and drink everything Computers and Artificial Intelligence. I wrote my first basic computer program in 1982 and have been hooked ever since that time. Looking forward to learning something new every day and meeting some like-minded people.


Hi All–

I’m Tanner Phillips, a PhD candidate in Instructional Technology at Indiana University with a cognate area in Statistics/AI.

I’m interested in using GPT3 to help teachers and administrators make sense of their student’s data.


Hi everyone! I’m Ahmed a full stack developer. I’m very excited to build some cool stuff with OpenAI and contribute to the community.


Welcome to the community, @ahmed-b!

Glad to see another member here that likes full-stack development!

I am currently working on a docker webserver project right now. I hope to release it here soon for everyone to try out!



Hello, my name is Abraham, im a first year college student in computer sciences, i want to be a game developer in the future and im learning about AI and generative content with GPT-3 to try to make a procedurally generated game that is entirely different for every player


Hi :heart_eyes: my name is alex. I am a junior devoloper working for a marketing,consulting company! I would love to see the capabilitys of Codex with my own eyes. I think this will revolutionize the entire world!


Hey everyone!! :smiley: Super excited to meet everyone!! With my bro, we’re trying to use GPT3 to make a “weak” JARVIS :robot: ! We’re trying to predict the future by making an Earth :earth_asia: simulation! The hope is anyone can ask Qs like “how will rising sea levels :ocean: affect my property price”. Previously I helped NVIDIA make ML algos faster on GPUs and helped the Aus gov predict air pollution, traffic congestion & disease spread.


Hi everyone! I’m a total newbie trying out to use this astonishing API. Wish you all a good work!


Hey all - I’m Rish, an entrepreneur working from London on the problem of mental health within the UK and how to help millions of young people live happier, more fulfilling lives. 1 in 4 young people have a mental health disorder and I think this will only worsen as time goes on.

I’m brand new to this field so am super excited to see what we all build in the upcoming weeks and months!

Would love to connect with people who are passionate about social impact missions - feel free to drop me a message
