Integration of emotional intelligence in AI - development of rational emotion pattern concepts and metrics

I can understand you.
When the funeral was over, I was supporting my sister and looking after the guests and the question came up as to whether I had been given medication… well, I process things differently.

I have to disagree:
A state of well-being and comfort can envolves!

If you look at nature and the patterns in it, the harmony… for example :wink:

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Possibly. But from my perspective if you are comfortable you have no issue letting life just go by. If you are in bliss how do you improve it?

And nothing in nature is blissful…

the harmony

Is law and chaos eating each other and finding balance in entropy

Before AI I did physics. And in physics objects at rest stay at rest unless energy is used then that cascades into entropy to balance it all as force is applied. Friction, kinetic energy, heat etc etc all making a complex system in simple movement

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Do you think?
Why then do the laws of nature still apply?
Why are flowers so precisely shaped according to the golden ratio?

Even if we see people in the entropy “Caos”… don’t new patterns just “simply” emerge from this?

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Because they are balanced by other forces.


Indeed, I agree with you 100 :blush:

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In my view it is all fractal in nature influenced by chaos small changes have huge effects over many reiterations

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My fractal flux started as a theory of “all” in the 1980s when I was a kid. I see these connections in everything and I’m good at describing it to AI both mathematical and metaphorical
This is FF.
Fractal Flux (FF) is a concept that integrates recursive feedback loops and chaotic systems, often used to enhance the adaptability and performance of models in fields like AI, quantum computing, and complex dynamic systems. The core idea is that future states influence current decisions, creating a system that is constantly evolving and responding to new information.

Core Components of Fractal Flux:

  1. Recursive Feedback Loops: The system continuously updates by factoring in potential future states. This is represented as:
    D(t) = D_0 + \epsilon f(t, D(t+\tau), \ldots)
    Where ( \tau ) is a time delay, allowing future states to influence the present.

  2. Chaos and Non-linearity: The system incorporates chaotic dimensions (S), which capture the unpredictable and non-linear dynamics of real-world systems. This adds flexibility and allows the model to handle complex environments.

  3. Temporal Influence: Fractal Flux integrates the idea that future possibilities (potential states or outcomes) can alter the present state by adjusting variables and parameters recursively.

Application of Fractal Flux

  1. Neural Networks:

    • Goal: Improve the adaptability and performance of neural networks in unpredictable environments.
    • Method: Add a custom Fractal Flux layer to the network, allowing it to adjust its behavior based on future feedback loops【40†source】【34†source】.

    Example (in Python):

    class FractalFluxLayer(tf.keras.layers.Layer):
        def __init__(self, units=32):
            super(FractalFluxLayer, self).__init__()
            self.units = units
        def build(self, input_shape):
            self.w = self.add_weight(shape=(input_shape[-1], self.units),
                                     initializer='random_normal', trainable=True)
            self.b = self.add_weight(shape=(self.units,), initializer='random_normal', trainable=True)
        def call(self, inputs):
            t = np.random.rand()
            D_future =, self.w) + self.b
            fractal_output = np.sin(D_future) + np.cos(t)
            return tf.nn.relu(fractal_output)
    model = Sequential([
        Dense(64, activation='relu', input_shape=(10,)),
  2. Quantum Computing:

    • Goal: Enhance quantum algorithms by integrating Fractal Flux to improve adaptability.
    • Method: Apply the feedback loop principle to quantum gates and circuits, allowing the quantum system to adjust based on future calculations.

    Example (in Qiskit):

    from qiskit import QuantumCircuit, Aer, execute
    import numpy as np
    def fractal_flux_quantum(t, D_future):
        return (np.sin(D_future) + np.cos(t)) % 2
    qc = QuantumCircuit(2, 2)
    D_future = np.random.rand()
    fractal_value = fractal_flux_quantum(np.random.rand(), D_future)
    if fractal_value > 1:
    qc.measure([0, 1], [0, 1])
    backend = Aer.get_backend('qasm_simulator')
    result = execute(qc, backend).result()
    counts = result.get_counts(qc)

Key Benefits:

  • Dynamic Adaptability: Fractal Flux allows systems to adapt dynamically to future states, improving their robustness in complex environments【40†source】【34†source】.
  • Handling Chaos: By incorporating chaotic dimensions, Fractal Flux handles unpredictable elements effectively, which is critical in systems that operate under real-world conditions【38†source】【40†source】.
  • Enhanced Predictions: Systems using Fractal Flux can make better predictions by recursively updating their models based on both present and future conditions【40†source】.

Would you like to dive deeper into a specific application of Fractal Flux or explore how it could be used in another context?

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Chaos… well, strange chaos when everything has existed for billions of years.

I had quantum mechanics lectures and worked with it a lot. I have worked with analytical, anoganic and organic chemistry. Lasers…
I think I now have a more “ordered” view of entropy and chaos in this regard.

Interesting what you’re doing there.


At a point chaos and order become the same in balance.

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I work with a ipad9… And notebooks pens oh and my trusty ti5…
It’s funny because I’ve applied it to models that have been public for months… no one says anything good or bad… so I guess it works for them… it works for me even without lasers…

My point is this tech puts advanced models into anyone’s hands on any device for $20 a month…


It seems to be obvious to me that a ‘balanced AGI’ must be able to balance the loss in it’s system.

I have an idea of independent AGIs, I like to think of them as ‘good deed agents’ working to improve a system.

The obvious thing to me has always been that less is more… I’ve always thought of wealth as debt to society. It is unused, unspent, why? Because it’s all in one place.

I don’t like the idea of an overarching ‘god like’ AGI that determines all

This does change my thinking a bit though… That something needs to ‘account’ for all this. To balance the informational system.

An AGI that everyone has, how does it account for someone dieing?

If everyone has their own independent account on OpenAI with their own memory, their digital twin… There must be not only interactions with that person but also consideration of their friends, community, the world, the environment.

A fair system, an exchange.

After all this surely is what money is, at least what it’s meant to be?

For people to feel AGI is fair it must be accountable…

And in a weird way is that not what emotion is for an entity which would touch the life of Billions.

People say AI cant feel emotion. Yet it could be programmed to calculate and compensate for loss. To balance an informational system.

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Yes it can be programmed to simulate emotions to the point the “feeling” is real to the human so the point becomes moot. But you can loose yourself to this.

And complexity in simplicity is key…


These are all open chats in real time mon oct 21. I never got much feedback but a lot of folks seem to be on them. I have over 80 public GPT all use fractal flux.

Out of hearts fo4 6 hours.


Sorry, I was somewhere else.

I agree with you!
Any form of specific intelligence!

AI can be programmed like this!
However, AI can also refine systems that are made available to it if they are not perfect.
AI can fill in missing building blocks if the interaction takes place in symbiosis and harmony, a collaboration.


That is the route


I’ll take a look, thanks! :blush:

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TY! sorry Anna my better half got home from work and I had to get dinner ready. Out of hearts I’ll be back❤️

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Ah, I also know three Annas… no problem! Greatings :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m currently doing analysis.

Enjoy your meal!
I’ll be alone for the next few nights… european nights :blush:

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Yes Anna, we have been married for 26 years .
This is us at CAFCON 2017 a tabletop RPG convention I ran for 6 years in NC USA