Integration assistant API in Ecommerce Web & Mobile Applications

Can we integrate assistant API in e-commerce applications for a better user experience?

Situations like:
1> Once a user logs in welcome the user and start interacting with the user through voice assistance.
2> To help a user search for a product and its recommendations
3> Ti uploads an image and searches for similar kinds of products
4> Help to resolve any F&Q
5> And many more

I am just trying to execute a similar experience when you visit a physical store.

Is it possible?

You can upload all your product data as input to your GPT and then it can provide any sort of recommendations as needed

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All the things you mentioned are achievable. Some of the things require a fair amount of integrating with external APIs and tooling:

1> Once a user logs in welcome the user and start interacting with the user through voice assistance.

This should be fairly straight forward with text. However you will then need some sort of text to speech to get the voice.

2> To help a user search for a product and its recommendations

Can be achieved by having the assistant make function calls to an API that does the actual searching and recommendation.

3> Ti uploads an image and searches for similar kinds of products

Similar to the point above but will need to use sort of function call that can do the actual image search OR use a model that can extract details of what is in an image and then make a function call to search for recommendations.

4> Help to resolve any F&Q

Knowledge retrieval from files uploaded to the assistant could handle this.

The use of Assistant APIs in eCommerce web and mobile application results in improved usability by more adopted Voice search, shopping assistance as well as real time customer support. These APIs eliminate concerns about how to get around, where to find the desired items, and which ones would be perfect for a particular type of consumer.

They also help other features such as sales order tracking and return process, and FAQs to be integrated without any hassle, which will cost effective and increase customer satisfaction. Through the implementation of natural language processing and Artificial Intelligence in the API, the eCommerce platforms become more engaging and effective making impacts on the total conversion rate.

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The moment a shop starts talking to me I will add the domain to my hosts file and route it to - an artificial sales guy is the last thing humanity needs.
The opposite is the case. A bot that you can talk to that makes sure you spend less on useless stuff…
Like your personal guard that blocks e-commerce marketing from your infornation bubble.