Impossible to locally adjust a single assistant?

I just want to retrieve 1 assistant by default, adjust the Assistants interface within an API code and then make the request.

// Retrive
const assistant = await openai.beta.assistants.retrieve();

// Adjust = 'Me';
assistant.instructions = '...';

 const thread = await openai.beta.threads.create();

However, it can’t. This doesn’t reflect. It needs to be updated.

BUT, when about 10,000 users are using it at the same time, is it ok for a single assistant to be continuously updated? No way.

If it’s not, the assistant to be created with each API request during this process. Does this make sense?

  1. Do you want to update the assistant affecting all the other instances?
    Use modify assistant to update your assistant.

  2. Or, do you want to update the instruction at that single instance/thread only? Use either instructions or additional_instructions when creating the Run.


Are you a genius?

I wanted to override the single instance assistant’s instructions with custom information. I can do it when creating the Run! Thank you so much.