I’m pretty good at prompt engineering and when I’m having co generated the quality of the GPT 40 model is so awesome that I’m able to work with it perfectly and every time it comes up with those boxes where I could choose which response I want that’s always a hindrance in my workflow because it’s always good GPT 4O model is intelligent enough that a person could learn it and work with it and always get good results if they approach it right what I would do is one I would remove those buttons because it was way easier before when you just clicked 1 and it automatically focused it that way I could dismiss it immediately but I would put a short poppy prompt engineering tutorial for coders you know a link and one for non coders right on the page maybe a nice colorful button so people could look at that and you could put just a very poppy presentation of prompt engineering techniques right on the front page… Or if you don’t like any of those ideas because maybe you did this for a reason can you give us an option in preferences to go back to the old way or disable the offering of the choices completely…
Basically a lot of people use this for their jobs and I use this for a serious product I’m developing and as high performance as you can make the workflow using it the better